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Tojin beans


Tojin beans to hear this, it will try, but also Sedangs cakes and snacks during Eid Fitri want to be relaxed, believe NGK only try in the house you see fit oath Bakalan many cookies including peanut Tojin this is coming one of them. The origin of the beans was less Tojin I know, but that may not be the information that I mentioned some of the beans Tojin source are derived from the high mountains.
for yag want nuts here Tojin ingredients and manufacturing processes;
Material - material:

1 Selection of peanuts, you choose not already open peanut shells epidermis and again. White beans with a clean look slightly different nuance kuning.2. Whiting to taste.
3 slices of garlic.
4 Royko flavor.
5 salt to taste.
From 6 thinly sliced ​​celery - finely.
7 Down thinly sliced ​​orange - fine.
How you can:

1 Wash peanuts thoroughly, then soak with water whiting (about 30min), from which to grow delicious nut ...
2 Heating the vegetable oil.
3 Enter the bean that has been in the hot oil whiting soaked and stirred - Stir jaundice, so snow was promoted maturation.
4 Add the garlic, which has been cut into the hot oil, then into the lift.
5 Enter celery leaves with orange to the hot oil, then into the lift.
6 After all Matang, then mix and stir in a container, do not forget Royko and salt to taste, stir and recover all showers.
7 Enjoy ..... :)

Not very easy to make this Tojin nuts. If there is too much food, but the myth Kacan Tojin jerawata can also Loh. but I do not know, but people are often the source tua2 Tell Jagan too much eating peanuts can mottled Tojin later. But I do not be so greedy itinya usually eat well be spurious. Enjoy Beans Tojin

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