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Web 2.0


Before you learn about Squidoo, you need to understand what Web 2.0 is and how it impacts applications like Squidoo. Web 2.0 is nothing more than a “coined” term used by many to explain increasing popularity in user controlled sites. These are websites that promote community building, collaboration and knowledge sharing among users.
Unlike traditional websites, where information is passed from the webmaster to the visitor, Web 2.0 sites are more user friendly, encouraging the public or community members to provide the content or primary information for the site. This type of site is established to help promote the creation of knowledge rich communities on the Web. Some common terms associated with Web 2.0 include, “wikis,” “podcasts,” “social
bookmarking,” and “RSS feeds,” to name a few. These sites offer greater functional ability and control on the end-user end, through a platform that allows users to log in and share, edit and control much of the information displayed on the sites. Many, including Tim O’Reilly, a featured reporter, note this new approach to the Web allows for the use of the Web as a platform, one that supports participation and the assembly of systems within sites.
Features common to many of these sites include:
 Using the network as a platform, where users can access applications through their Internet browser.
 Use of user-controlled data, where all end-users have the ability to control, edit and delete data on the site.
 “Architecture of participation,” referring to the ability of users to add to applications so there is greater participation among community members involved with the site. 
This contrasts sharply with most traditional web platforms, which utilize an “access-control” type infrastructure. 
 Interactive, social-networking capabilities, allowing greater functionality and a friendlier user interface.
This guidebook will focus primarily on Squidoo. 
This website, first launched in 2005, is a network platform that allows individual users to create single web pages on topics they are passionate about, interested in or have much knowledge about. In the next section, we will spend some time learning more about Squidoo, and how it is similar to and different from other Web 2.0 sites.

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